Apr 21, 2013

CISPA Warning from Hexanity!

Hi All,sent from Archee Xen'Tauros
0.3b at 9:10PM

Okay CISPA, if there is a Cyber ​​Police, CIA, FBI guys probably know who is me.

I do not care about the Vision, Mission, Benefits, and the Law of CISPA.

I just do not want any CISPA or something like thats.

I know you have Strong and Mass Cyber protection, Cyber ​​Fortress.

Because i just wanted to lead Internet freedom belongs to all people.

Not only yours [USA].
Do not think you are strong and developed country!
You can leading Cyber because CYBER IS FREE. Never Arrogant and Smug!!

We have many Alliance!
If you still developing CISPA

Remember your Sky Fortress is on SIEGE STAGES

Your Sky Fort will be fallen from Cyber Skies!

Written By:Hexacode,Colossus

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